C1 - Learning Teaching Training Activity      FIENI CITY - ROMÂNIA  - 04.02. - 06.02.2020

Our main points on the meeting agenda were:

- The kindergarten tour and the Erasmus+ corner presentation;

- The presentation of the kindergarten and city / region (by all partners);

- Presentation of the educational system of the country (by all partners);

- The presentation of a thematic project. Discussions about its structure;

- Workshop - Creating a thematic project;

- The benefits of using modern methods and techniques in class;

- Workshop - Applications for Thinking Hat, The Venn Diagram, The Predictions and The Stellar Explosion;

- Demonstrative activity in the Step by step educational alternative;

- Voting the Logo of the project;

- The Step by step alternative - Visit to the No. 13 Kindergarten in Târgoviște;

- Visit to the Center for Resources and Educational Assistance, Târgoviște - The presentation of the educational offer;

- Visit to the County Scholar Inspectorate Dâmbovita;

- Discussions about the next local activities. Setting the period for C2 in Greece.

        The C1 activity assured a good start of the project, the partners learned more about each other, about the educational systems, kindergartens and cities they came from and it was very important in defining further activities. This first Learning Teaching Training Activity enabled the participants to identify their children real needs and select the proper modern methods and techniques and materials in order to adjust the potential slippages in the design of the activities and the real lessons, in order to raise the creativity, critical thinking and the self-esteem of the children.

       The partners concluded that the interactive activity, using modern methods and techniques and

attractive working materials, the work in small groups and pairs are more useful in maintaining the attention and having the full participation not only of the healthy children but of the special need children also.

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